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Apereo Micro Conference: Jan 15, 2025

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Open as in Standards; Two Great Tastes...



Join us for a presentation and Q&A with Michael Feldstein, Chief Strategy Officer for 1EdTech. 

Whether it's HTTP or LTI, software, including open-source software, relies on standards. These standards exist and work because we agree to shape and work on them together. The nature of the collaboration is different than it often (though not always) is with open-source because of the nature of the agreement we need to make standards work. Michael Feldstein, the Chief Strategy Officer for 1EdTech, will talk about how the open standards process works at 1EdTech and how this kind of openness enables makers while leveling the playing field. 

Participants will:

  • Learn examples of how open standards facilitate making—especially open-source—in educational technology
  • Learn how the standards process works at 1EdTech
  • Consider possible opportunities for deeper collaboration between the communities



Michael Feldstein is the Chief Strategy Officer at 1EdTech. After his first career as a classroom teacher, he's spent the last 28 years working as in EdTech for universities, EdTech companies, and a consultant to both. Michael has written the e-Literate blog on EdTech for 20 years and was a member of the Sakai Board of Directors during the merger with JA-SIG that created Apereo.



The link to access this event will be included in your registration confirmation email.

Please Note: The start time is 11:00am Eastern U.S. time

January 15th, 2025 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Online Event